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Governing Body

Welcome to our Governors’ section.

Please find below details of how our Governing body is structured, including the names, categories, responsibilities and terms of appointment for each Governor. We have also provided information from the Register of Governor Interests. 


At this current time, Brookhouse Primary School does not collect and publish information about the diversity of the school's governing body. 

Governor Information

Governor Code of Conduct

Governing Body structure:




Chair of Governors                                                Mr Kevin Hegarty           

Vice Chair of Governors                                     Miss Salma Butt

Headteacher                                                             Mrs Kathryn Forsyth

Standards & Effectiveness (CHAIR)            Mrs Z Yousaf

Resources & Finance (CHAIR)                        Mr K Rifai



Standards & Effectiveness

CHAIR – Mrs Z Yousaf

Kathryn Forsyth

Kevin Hegarty

Salma Hussain

Siobhan Martin

Shahida Wajahat

Zaheda Yousaf

Caroline Leyland (associate)

Resources & Finance

CHAIR – Khalil Rifai

Kathryn Forsyth

Kevin Hegarty

Salma Butt

Adalt Hussain

Zaynab Jogi

Khalil Rifai





Name: Mrs Kathryn Forsyth

  • Role: Headteacher
  • Responsibilities: Reporting on all aspects of school business
  • Date of appointment: 2020
  • Term of office expires: N/A
  • Appointed by: Governing Body
  • Business /pecuniary interests: None
  • Material interests arising through school staff: None
  • Governance roles in other educational organisations: None

Name: Mr Kevin Hegarty 

  • Role: Chair of Governors/Local Authority Governor/Member of Finance and Resources Committee and Standards and Effectiveness Committee
  • Responsibilities: Link Governor for Reception
  • Date of appointment: January 2018
  • Term of office expires: 29.01.26
  • Appointed by: Governing Body
  • Business /pecuniary interests: None
  • Material interests arising through school staff: None
  • Governance roles in other educational organisations: Foundation Governor, St Wilfred's Blackburn


Name: Ms Salma Butt

  • Role: Vice Chair of Governors/Member of Finance  and Resources Committee
  • Responsibilities: Year 4 Link Governor; Designated responsibility for PSHE ; Staff wellbeing
  • Date of appointment: June 2014
  • Term of office expires: 29.06.26 
  • Appointed by: Governing Body
  • Business /pecuniary interests: None
  • Material interests arising through school staff: None
  • Governance roles in other educational organisations: None


Name: Miss S Martin

  • Role: Staff Governor/Member of Standards and Effectiveness Committee
  • Responsibilities: Link Governor for Training 
  • Date of appointment: October 2023
  • Term of office expires: October 2027
  • Appointed by: Staff
  • Business /pecuniary interests: None
  • Material interests arising through school staff: None
  • Governance roles in other educational organisations: None


    Name: Mr Adalt Hussain

    • Role: Co-opted Governor/Member of Finance and Resources Committee
    • Responsibilities: Link Governor for Nursery and Pre-School; Health and Safety
    • Date of appointment: July 2021
    • Term of office expires: 05.07.25
    • Appointed by: Governing Body
    • Business /pecuniary interests: None
    • Material interests arising through school staff: None
    • Governance roles in other educational organisations: None


    Name: Mrs Salma Hussain

    • Role: Parent Governor/Member of Standards and Effectiveness Committee
    • Responsibilities: Member of Standards and Effectiveness Committee
    • Date of appointment: January 2023
    • Term of office expires: 23.01.27
    • Appointed by: Parents
    • Business /pecuniary interests: None
    • Material interests arising through school staff: None
    • Governance roles in other educational organisations: None


    Name: Ms Zaynab Jogi

    • Role: Co-opted Governor/Member of Finance and Resources Committee
    • Responsibilities: Link Governor for Year 3; Staff Wellbeing
    • Date of appointment: August 2022
    • Term of office expires:   03.08.26
    • Appointed by: Governing Body
    • Business /pecuniary interests: None
    • Material interests arising through school staff: None
    • Governance roles in other educational organisations: None


    Name: Mrs Shahida Wajahat

    • Role: Co-opted Governor/Member of Standards and Effectiveness Committee
    • Responsibilities: TBC
    • Date of appointment: December 2023
    • Term of office expires: 13.12.27
    • Appointed by: Parents
    • Business /pecuniary interests: None
    • Material interests arising through school staff: None
    • Governance roles in other educational organisations: None


    Name: Mr Khalil Rifai

    • Role: Co-opted Governor/Member of Finance and Resources Committee
    • Responsibilities: Link Governor for Year 6; Chair for Finance and Resources
    • Date of appointment: August 2022
    • Term of office expires:   03.08.26
    • Appointed by: Governing Body
    • Business /pecuniary interests: None
    • Material interests arising through school staff: None
    • Governance roles in other educational organisations: None


    Name: Mrs Zaheda Yousaf

    • Role: Parent Governor; Member of Standards and Effectiveness Committee
    • Responsibilities: Link Governor for Year 1; Safeguarding; SEND
    • Date of appointment: February 2022
    • Term of office expires: 06.02.26
    • Appointed by:  Parents
    • Business /pecuniary interests: None
    • Material interests arising through school staff: None
    • Governance roles in other educational organisations: None





    Mrs S Qureshi





    KEY :

    • Attended





    SPRING TERM 2024

    Standards & Effectiveness






    Resources & Finance




    Full Governing Body



    Mrs K Forsyth

    Miss S Butt APAP
    Mr K Hegarty
    Mr A Hussain 
    Mrs S Hussain
    Ms Z Jogee 
    Mrs C Leyland (associate)
    Miss S Martin
    Mr K Rifai 
    Mrs S Wajahat
    Mrs Z Yousaf







    AUTUMN TERM 2023

    Standards & Effectiveness




    Resources & Finance



    Full Governing Body


    Mrs K Forsyth


    Miss S Butt



    Mr K Hegarty



    Mr A Hussain



    Mrs S Hussain
    Ms Z Jogee NAPNAP

    Mrs C Leyland (associate)

    Miss S Martin

    Mrs S Qureshi



    Mr K Rifai




    Mrs S WajahatAP 
    Mrs Z Yousaf




    • Present   AP Apologies sent   NAP No apologies sent 





    SUMMER TERM 2024

    Standards & Effectiveness




    Resources & Finance




    Full Governing Body







    Mrs K Forsyth


    Miss S Butt


    Mr K Hegarty


    Mr A Hussain



    Mrs S Hussain




    Ms Z Jogee




    Mrs C Leyland


    Miss S Martin


    Mr K Rifai

    Mrs S Wajahat
    Mrs Z Yousaf

















