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Year 6

Welcome to Year 6

Year 6 Summer_2_2024


Dear parents,


Welcome back after the summer half term break and I hope your children have had a restful time with you, ready for the next half term.  They are entering their final half term at Brookhouse, which we hope is going to be a memorable one for them.

We will continue to remind children about our school values of Respect, Good Manners, Patience, Perseverance and Honesty, as well as abiding by our British Values.  We will use our reward system 'Brookhouse Monster's University' to recognise good behaviour and attitudes.  If your child is in the winning University team, they will be given a reward at the end of the term. Additionally, they are now collecting dojos for themselves, which they will be rewarded for by receiving a certificate if they reach their targets. PSHE will also play a key role, this will take place through class and assembly sessions.  The PSHE topics for the summer 2 term are called 'Keeping Safe' and ‘Economic Well-being’ as well as touching on transition to year 7.  The year 6 summer 2 topic is called 'Oh to be beside the Seaside'.



We will be covering Novels with a Theme this half term.  We will do this through the use of ‘Talk for Writing’ strategy of imitate, innovate and invent.  As well as this, we will be focusing on the skills needed to invent our own piece of writing and look at cross-curricular writing through other subject areas.  Whole class reading will continue to take place every day, through which we encourage children to focus on new vocabulary in the text and the comprehension of the text.

To further support your child's skills in reading comprehension, the school has purchased a subscription with an online reading resource called Reading Plus, which improves pupil's reading age but it does rely on the children using this resource on a regular basis.  So please make sure they are using it at home. Please support your children in their reading of school books, at home for ten minutes every day.  We will continue to encourage children to improve their Oracy skills through participating in the project Voice 21.



Maths lessons will provide pupils with the opportunity to learn using concrete, pictorial and abstract models. They will then learn to apply this knowledge to reasoning and problem solving.  We will be covering a variety of topics in preparation for their transition to high school such as algebra.  There will also be opportunity for online learning via Purple Mash. Please encourage your child to practise their timetables at home.  In order to aid them with this, your child can use the online program 'Times Table Rockstars'



This half term we will be covering a physics topic: electricity.  By the end of this unit they should be able to make electric circuits and demonstrate how variation in the working of particular components, such as the brightness of bulbs can be changed by increasing or decreasing the number of cells or using cells of different voltages. They will learn how to draw circuit diagrams of a range of simple series circuits, using recognised symbols and incorporate a switch into a circuit to turn it on and off, change cells and components in a circuit to achieve a specific effect. Also, they will communicate structures of circuits using circuit diagrams with recognised symbols and devise ways to measure brightness of bulbs, speed of motors, volume of a buzzer during a fair test.


Physical Education

In Year 6, P.E will take place every Monday so please make sure your children come to school in their full P.E kit - yellow P.E shirt with the school's logo, black joggers, shorts or leggings and their school green sweatshirt. In their P.E lessons we will be looking at outdoor adventure and orienteering skills.



This term our topic is called 'Music and Me'.  By the end of the unit pupils will be able to talk about the music of featured artists using musical vocabulary.  They will talk about musical connection with previous knowledge and understanding.  Furthermore, they will talk about their planned composition - which options they chose and why, the key themes of in their lyrics, the tools they use and what they like or dislike.  Finally, they will present their performance in an interesting and engaging way.



In our computing topics this half term the strand is called computer science: networks and binary. Pupil’s will learn how to design, write and debug programs that accomplish specific goals, including controlling or simulating physical systems; solve problems by decomposing them into smaller parts.  They will use logical reasoning to explain how some simple algorithms work and to detect and correct errors in algorithms and programs.  As well as select, use and combine a variety of software (including internet services) on a range of digital devices to design and create a range of programs, systems and content that accomplish given goals


Art and Design

Through looking at the works of: Jayne Huskisson, Abigail Mill, Serena Hall they will develop their drawing and painting into a textile piece of art.  They will learn to recognise features and techniques in the work of other artists and experiment with a range of media, techniques, annotating their work and justifying their decisions.  Pupil’s will understand the purpose of promotional artwork and use this to inform decisions about their own artwork.   They will use the batik technique to create fabric art - drawing on inspiration from their sketch book, finally evaluate their own work and the work of others.



Our history topic will be studying British history - through our 'Beside the Seaside topic.   They will compare and contrast holidays through periods of History to the present day.  Pupils will name landscape features of seaside resorts in the Victorian Era and how they were developed.  Through researching they will be able to say what the Bank Holiday Act is and how it affected transport, with links to the Industrial Revolution.  Pupils will compare similarities and differences between Victorian seaside destinations. Finally, they will say how changes in culture and society have changed our view of seaside destinations.



This half term the pupils will be learning about Ascension and the Pentecost.  They will learn how Christians believe people’s lives can be inspired and transformed by the Holy Spirit and how the events of the Ascension and Pentecost are connected to distinctive Christian beliefs.  By the end of the topic, they should be able to: retell the stories of Ascension and Pentecost, connecting them with Christian beliefs, describe what Christians believe is the impact of the Holy Spirit on people’s lives and talk about the ways in which these events help answer questions about God.


This will be your child’s last half term at Brookhouse, which they will celebrate with you on Monday 15th July at 1:30pm, with an end of year production.


They will also be going on an end of .year trip, to Ten Pin Bowling and Blackburn Youth Zone, on the 2nd July.  It is a full day but we will return for 3:00pm. Furthermore, on the 9th of July, in the afternoon we will visit the The Somme Barracks, to attend a workshop delivered by Blackburn with Darwen Crucial Crew.  The purpose of this is to inform pupils about safety, as they transition to year 7.


There will be notices about further upcoming whole school events so please check your emails and text messages.


Any queries feel free to talk to us in the morning or at the end of the day or arrange an appointment through the school office.

Thank you in advance for your continued support, it is much appreciated.


Mrs S Hussain (Year 6 Teacher and Upper School Leader)

Mrs F Patel (HLTA)

Mrs S Momoniat (TA)

Mrs R Esmail (SSA)


