Personal, Social, Health and Economic (PSHE) education, including Health and Relationships (HRE)
Our programme aims to assist pupils to prepare for adult life by supporting them through their physical, spiritual, cultural, mental, emotional and moral development and to help them understand themselves, respect others and form and sustain healthy relationships, including online. We believe in the importance of relationships and the qualities and character needed to sustain the best relationships, whether it be within a friendship or family.
Brookhouse Primary School will teach children the essential skills and attributes including decision-making, problem-solving and communication skills that they will need for life outside school. These skills will help our children in all areas of their life and will also train them to transfer learned skills to other situations and contexts.
At Brookhouse Primary School, our curriculum is bespoke. We use the PSHE Association as a basis for our curriculum, supplemented by age-appropriate resources. A regular curriculum, based on the children’s needs, with progression and structure is used.
PSHE, including HRE is delivered in regular timetabled sessions.
Teaching will take into account the ability, age, developmental stage and cultural backgrounds of our young people to ensure that all can fully access PSHE, including HRE provision.
The teaching of PSHE, including HRE, has links with other curriculum areas.
Personal Development and Learning Behaviours are embedded throughout the teaching and learning of PSHE, including HRE.
PSHE, including HRE, is underpinned and enhanced by developing children socially, morally, spiritually and culturally (SMSC). It is promoted by curriculum enrichment such as themed days, whole school events, trips, visits and visitors, family workshops, assemblies, charity events, projects, school council and residentials etc and is an integral part of our school ethos, vision and values.
Through the teaching and learning of PSHE including HRE, children will develop the knowledge, skills and attributes in order to stay healthy and safe, while preparing them for their next phase in education and for making the most of life and work.
Through the core themes of health and wellbeing, relationships and living in the wider world, the children will be prepared for the reality of life beyond the school gates and will have their cultural capital enriched.