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Science is a systematic investigation of the physical, chemical and biological aspects of the world which relies on first-hand experiences and on other sources of information. The scientific process and problem-solving activities will be used to deepen pupils’ understanding of the concepts involved. The main aspects of Science to be studied will be determined by the programmes of study of the National Curriculum 2014.


Through Science, pupils at Brookhouse Primary School will continue to deepen their respect, care and appreciation for the natural world and all its phenomena.


Teaching key subject specific vocabulary is also a key part of our Science curriculum. The vocabulary children will need for that unit are identified on the Science scheme of work for each cohort, and this builds upon the vocabulary they have learnt in earlier years. The key vocabulary will be identified in the Key Vocabulary section on the children’s knowledge organisers.

Science Week!

For our science week, we used resources which were provided by the Edina Trust, a grant we received.  The bundle we applied for was called 'Stem in a Box'.  Every year group had a box of resources to use - these were super!

Nursery and Preschool investigating floating and sinking

Reception exploring and investigating bubbles!

Year 1 investigating and making catapults!

Year 2 investigated and made a prototype racing car powered by a rubber band.

Year had to design and make a bridge which could withstand a force.

Year 4's made a PotterBot with a simple series circuit including a power source, wires and a motor. This then created some unique artwork!

Year 5's investigation/task was called 'Staying Afloat' where they had to build a raft which would be self propelled.

Year 6 learned about genes and inheriting traits. They investigated the genetic disorder of retinitis pigmentosa a condition which affects your eyesight.
